Ideas for you!

Welcome to my Creative Thinkers Blog. A fresh, practical guide to unlocking your hidden superpower... Creative Thinking!

1.0, 1.1, 1.2 Liftoff!


95% of  products fail. 

Think of the money wasted...the frustrated investors. EVERYONE wondering...what did we miss? What happened?

Well, what happened was a faulty launch. 

They launched by leaping. They launched before learning. We often get so caught up in the big vision that we miss validating if the idea works on a small scale first.

The way you increase the chances of success is through a prototype: a sample version of your product or process that helps you to test your ideas before investing time and money into actually developing them.

And here is the trick, this process never stops, the fact that you have a launched product doesn't mean you stop learning to make it better every day. 

You're never leaping into the unknown with fingers crossed, instead you're in a constant state of learning.

So how can you prevent your next launch from failing? Here’s the secret I’ve learned from working at one of the biggest...

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